Ecommerce Nowadays! 👣

21:02 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

There has been a surge in the number of e-commerce websites popping up over the past few years and with good reason.There are so many live examples in the market. Some of them are Alibaba, Flipkart, Amazon, Mudah, Chinavasion and so on. Internet shopping has not only become more popular but also more and more people are realising how convenient it is to shop online.   So, it is clear that anybody can do online business without investing a huge money and do online shopping at home.


Look Inside Chinavasion 👀

21:01 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

Chinavasion is a China  electronics wholesale and dropship company that carry ecommerce business. It wholesale gadgets, cell phones, car DVD players, digital cameras, MP4 players, spy cameras, security products, PC accessories and so on. Chinavasion motto is “low price, high quality and have fun” for small instances they live for their word. They are founded by some Chinese and European businessman. They are a private held wholesale company based in Shenzhen, China. It also have office in Hong Kong. Below is a 3-4 minutes Youtube video clip bring you to look into Chinavasion company. 


1. Overview of the E-marketplace from the perspective of 5W1H

21:00 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

The industry we are chosen in the e-marketplace is There is a 5W1H approach that can be use to applied in the industry.

The first W is What. According to my perspective, Chinavasion is the first wholesale website that provide drop shipping service worldwide. Dropshipping service can directly send the goods from the supplier to the customer (B2C) or wholesaler to the supplier (B2B). Most companies have to depend on dropship service company to transfer goods or orders efficiently. The website also focuses on selling all types of electronics goods and accessories via online sales.

For the second W is Who. The founder & CEO of chinavasion is Jeffrey Ulrich. There are 11-50 employees working in the industry to help taking customer orders and doing the administration tasks in the workplace. Even thought it is a multinational company in the ecommerce market but it do not need a lot of employees as everything can be done online.

Thrid W is When. When is the industry established? It was established in the year of 2006. chinavasion did existed in the market industry during the year before 2006, but it has not yet emerge in the e-marketplace until the year of 2006 it became the first wholesaler selling electronics goods via online sales. In my perspective, the industry performed in the e-marketplace on 2006 due to the influence of more and more people are using the Internet, this gives them an opportunity to expand their business and in a way to attract the foreign customers.

Fourth W is Where. Chinavasion industry is located at the mainland of China, Shen Zhen. According to my perspective, they choose to placed their industry in Shen Zhen because they able to get the better quality and lowest priced electronics gadgets from the factories in China’s largest manufacturing area for the items so both quality and prices are highly guaranteed.

Fifth W is Why. Why is Chinavasion established in the e-marketplace? Chinavasion aims to create convenient for people to do their shopping via online without needing to go out. With this contribution Chinavasion has earned an awareness from the customers and also build up a good reputation for the industry. Other than that, it can also help the people to speed up the payment and this also create convenient for customer to do their payment without needing them to withdraw money from the bank or go to the physical store and pay by cash.

The last approach is How. How is Chinavasion doing so well despite China being in a slump. China is moving from an investment-driven economy to consumption-economy. As the consumption-driven growth is more preferable, more than 400 millions Chinese customers shopping on Chinavasion platform. China is also moving an industrial manufacturing economy to a service economy. Not only consumer retail sales in China increases, but penetration of retail increases as well it is because of Chinavasion. As consumer shift to the internet to purchase goods and services with the use of mobile devices such as smart phone.


2. Effective Implementation of E-marketplace Activities in ChinaVasion.

20:49 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

Registration Process

⚠️ (Kindly click the picture for more clear view.)

Step 1: Go to Chinavasion website

Step 2: Register an account as individual in Chinavasion.

Step 3: After filled in the blanks, click Register.

Step 4: You will received an e-mail saying that your account is successfully created. 


3. Source Out an Unique Product and Negotiate on the Product Pricing 🔎

20:48 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

Source for Products

⚠️ (Kindly click the picture for more clear view.)

Step 1: Go to Chinavasion homepage, and login to their website.

Step 2: After login, Chinavasion homepage is appeared.

Step 3: Search the product by category.

Step 4: Choose unique product- Flexible Roll Up Synthesizer Keyboard Piano – 88 Soft Keys,     Loud Speaker. One for USD 49.99.

Step 5: Buy 10 pieces of the keyboard piano and click add to cart. If buy 10 pieces, the price will be   USD46.95 per pieces.

Step 6: Click add to cart and they will automatically calculate the total price.

Step 7: Enquiry the seller by click the live chat.

Step 8: A chat box will be pop out and we start to ask the questions.

Step 9: After sent the question, you will received an email stating that they had confirmed            received our ticket and we may go to support center to track our question.

Step 10: Login in to Chinavasion support center

Step 11: You will see the question that you have ask and their reply in each of the tickets.

Step 12: Click into each of the tickets and you will received their reply.

Step 13: Negotiation


4. How ChinaVasion Using E-marketplace to Boost Sales & Marketing and Obstacles(s) Faced in this Course of Action

20:46 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

Three Relevant Examples:

⚠️ (Kindly click the picture for more clear view.)

1.         Sharing Button does offer sharing button for the user to share something they like to certain linked social media website likes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and so on. This sharing button has helped to boost their sales and marketing. Social media buttons on the product page enable the products to be shared more frequently on social networks. As we know that more shares equal to more publicity and more publicity equal to more new customers making purchases.
Besides, research has found that pre-purchase social shares are strongly linked to revenue. Y-Generation is approximately twice as likely to buy a product they have personally shared on social media.

Obstacles faced by Using Sharing Button
Annoying Customers
One of the obstacles faced by is it might let the users feel annoying toward the sharing button. Sharing is caring but don’t overdo it. For example, some of the customers might feel pressured to share when the add sharing button to every touch point. In result, the buyers will actively avoid the option.

2.       Homepage Slideshow Adverts

Homepage slideshow adverts have been a very useful online marketing tool for years. They are small slideshow containing a special offer or product information that will show up at the website homepage when internet users visit the website. has been using this advertisement method to boost their sales at e-marketplace for years. It is very effective as homepage slideshow adverts can help Chinavasion to catch the visitor’s attention once they visit the website. They put important information, such as the opt-in offer or a special limited-time promotion at their homepage.
One of the biggest advantages of slideshow advert is do not need a lot of resources to produce live video adverts. It is an incredibly simple way to make adverts from existing photos and stock images. is using slideshow to think through what they should invest in for their slideshow video at their website homepage and then testing creativity to get a sense of what will bring the best return on their investment.

Obstacles Faced by Using Homepage Slideshow Adverts
Advertisement Being Ignored Easily
One of the obstacles face by by using homepage slideshow adverts to boost its sales is the visitors either interested in what is on the slide or they are not interested in. If the visitor is interested, then the content is whisked away and replaced by something else before they can fully take it in. If the visitor is not interested, then he or she probably scrolls down before the second slide even appears. Hence, the effect of boosting the sales by using homepage slideshow adverts is not strong. As people used to ignore what they did not interest during surfing the network.

 3.       Email Newsletter

Most of the business marketing departments are always looking for new ways to promote and attract customers to their businesses. One marketing tactic that continues to gain momentum is email newsletter advertising. has introduced its email newsletter to boost it sales and marketing. has been sending email newsletter to their subscribers to provide latest electronic gadgets information. 
Using company electronic newsletter for advertising has helped to reach the customers who have already expressed an interest in their product or service. Customers who sign up to receive the Chinavasion’s newsletter may be aware of the advertisements about special offers or new products. Hence, email newsletter enables to enhance its customer awareness and loyalty toward its business.

Obstacles Faced by Using Email Newsletter
Subscription Problem
The email newsletter of has feature an unsubscribe link so readers can stop receiving it if they prefer. Unfortunately, this is disadvantage for as it becomes easy for subscribers to unsubscribe.  Besides, email newsletter will not work much better if an individual moves and does not provide his or her updated email address. In result, the email newsletter will not arrive to the subscribers email or the email newsletter may get sent back without forwarding information.


5. The Awareness/Participation of the Company of Chinavasion in Virtual Worlds

20:45 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

According to a journal, virtual worlds are defined as a synchronouspersistent network of peoplerepresented as an avatarfacilitated by networked computers. Chinavasion is actively involved in the virtual world to interact with its customers and expand their customer base (Bell, 2008).

Chinavasion has participated in the virtual world by various methods. The first method is social media. According to a journal, the users of social media have the ability of sharing their views and encounters.  Chinavasion owns accounts in several social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Pinterest. The purpose of this method is to invite new customers and attract a larger customer base. Beside, is also a way to bring latest new to their customer. For example, Chinavasion’s Twitter ( usually posts and updates about their events and promotions to inform their followers  (Kinyua, 2013).

The second method of participating in the virtual world is using blogging news. To keep customers updated, Chinavasion has their own blogging website, ( Chinavasion frequently updates their blog about new technologies, especially smartphones and laptops. The content of their blogs is usually news about upcoming smartphones and other gadgets and suggested news for customers who are looking to buy electronic gadgets.

Finally, the third method is using RSS feeds. According to this article RSS feeds stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is an easy way to share a website’s updates, news and headlines to customers who subscribe to the site’s RSS feeds. In this case, Chinavasion has a page for Registered Chinavasion Customers, keen to get updates from their website ( This method is convenient because the subscribers can get updates and information instantly anywhere on their screen without having to directly access Chinavasion’s website (Embitel, 2015).


6. The Success Factors from the Implementation of E-marketplace in ChinaVasion 🥇

20:43 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

 The success factor that Chinavasion has implemented in the company is they have created a Chinavasion Affiliate Program. Chinavasion tries to persuade the buyers to sell their own products through their website and giving such benefits as the more customers spend money on your product, the more you earn as a commission. The company not only can gain sales from the customers, they also earn extras by letting the sellers to sell their own product using the company’s website by providing them commission. Besides, the company also offers more variety of choices for consumers. 

     Another success factor which is, Chinavasion challenges the traditional transaction patterns and discover new ways to create more value for customers according to their needs. It arranges the C2B transaction model to reduce cost in traditional supply chains and cut down the time required for product turnover, thus increasing customer satisfaction.

Chinavasion also allows people to upload their product video onto any video streaming service such as YouTube or Vimeo to take an advantage of their massive traffic to earn more commission and let the outsiders get to know more about the products they are selling as the company is smart enough to know that YouTube is the second largest search engine among the Internet world (e-world).

Chinavasion’s reliable and accurate credit model helps to open up a trustworthy reputation among customers. All sellers on the platform are required to pass an online certification test to verify their identity information. This reduced the illegal transactions and all transactions are recorded and can be traced back by both customers and sellers. Legality of each transaction protected and helps customers choose more trusty sellers.


💖 Reference 💖

20:27 ChinaVasion Platform 0 Comments

Chinavasion. (2017). Retrieved February 15, 2017, from

Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J., Liang, T. P., & Turban, D. (2012). Electronic commerce 2012: A managerial and social networks perspectives (7th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. 

Using the Five W’s and One H Approach to Six Sigma. (2017). Retrieved February 15, 2017, from

Shackleton, T. (2016)Which Online Marketplaces Can Help Boost Your eCommerce Sales? Retrieved February 21, 2017, from

8 practical tips to increase E-commerce sales. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from