1. Overview of the E-marketplace from the perspective of 5W1H

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The industry we are chosen in the e-marketplace is Chinavasion.com. There is a 5W1H approach that can be use to applied in the industry.

The first W is What. According to my perspective, Chinavasion is the first wholesale website that provide drop shipping service worldwide. Dropshipping service can directly send the goods from the supplier to the customer (B2C) or wholesaler to the supplier (B2B). Most companies have to depend on dropship service company to transfer goods or orders efficiently. The website also focuses on selling all types of electronics goods and accessories via online sales.

For the second W is Who. The founder & CEO of chinavasion is Jeffrey Ulrich. There are 11-50 employees working in the industry to help taking customer orders and doing the administration tasks in the workplace. Even thought it is a multinational company in the ecommerce market but it do not need a lot of employees as everything can be done online.

Thrid W is When. When is the industry established? It was established in the year of 2006. chinavasion did existed in the market industry during the year before 2006, but it has not yet emerge in the e-marketplace until the year of 2006 it became the first wholesaler selling electronics goods via online sales. In my perspective, the industry performed in the e-marketplace on 2006 due to the influence of more and more people are using the Internet, this gives them an opportunity to expand their business and in a way to attract the foreign customers.

Fourth W is Where. Chinavasion industry is located at the mainland of China, Shen Zhen. According to my perspective, they choose to placed their industry in Shen Zhen because they able to get the better quality and lowest priced electronics gadgets from the factories in China’s largest manufacturing area for the items so both quality and prices are highly guaranteed.

Fifth W is Why. Why is Chinavasion established in the e-marketplace? Chinavasion aims to create convenient for people to do their shopping via online without needing to go out. With this contribution Chinavasion has earned an awareness from the customers and also build up a good reputation for the industry. Other than that, it can also help the people to speed up the payment and this also create convenient for customer to do their payment without needing them to withdraw money from the bank or go to the physical store and pay by cash.

The last approach is How. How is Chinavasion doing so well despite China being in a slump. China is moving from an investment-driven economy to consumption-economy. As the consumption-driven growth is more preferable, more than 400 millions Chinese customers shopping on Chinavasion platform. China is also moving an industrial manufacturing economy to a service economy. Not only consumer retail sales in China increases, but penetration of retail increases as well it is because of Chinavasion. As consumer shift to the internet to purchase goods and services with the use of mobile devices such as smart phone.